90 percent of callers prefer a live customer service representative on the phone
Automatic telephone menus are annoying for many customers. Particularly frustrating: having to listen to irrelevant options in order to make the right choice. This is why around three quarters always or frequently end up with customer service. This shows how important it is not to forget the human element despite all the digitalization.

Companies are increasingly relying on automated communication. This saves time and money. However, certain inquiries still require human contact. Companies should therefore consider how the technology benefits the customer and not just the statistics.
This is why companies should not offer callers more than three automated options. They are most frustrated by telephone menus where they have to listen to irrelevant choices (69 percent). This is followed by the inability to adequately describe problems (67 percent) and a lack of human interaction (43 percent).
Telephone menus should therefore not replace the direct contact person, but complement them: At the end of a machine interaction, customers should always have the opportunity to get in touch with a human being.