Ulf Klaas has been with AMEVIDA for nine years and is a "happy employee", as he himself tells the young people.
Ulf Klaas is blind, has the support of a Braille display on his computer and is passionate about telephoning.
He enthusiastically explains this to the interested students, who share a similar handicap with him.
Tobias Groß is an apprentice and training ambassador and is pleased that he can live the AMEVIDA motto "Becoming something. With us". Above all, he emphasizes the variety at AMEVIDA, which is very important to him. He takes away the fear of training from the young people present: "You are not left alone, there is always a contact person or colleague there to look after you. Any necessary support in the workplace due to the disability is provided by the employer." The dialog that began during the presentation was only interrupted when the bell rang for the break.
AMEVIDA is always happy to welcome new trainees or interns who want to get a taste of the profession.
According to the German Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (DBSV), there are around 155,000 blind and 500,000 visually impaired people living in Germany.
The Focus School is one of the LWL special schools and teaches pupils from Gelsenkirchen and the surrounding area with a focus on vision.