"Do you actually know the top boss? He's supposed to be pretty strict. Or can he also be relaxed?" People put their heads together and speculate about what the big boss is like. The hall at AMEVIDA's headquarters on Kurt-Schumacher-Straße in Gelsenkirchen is slowly filling up. Greetings, shaking hands, small talk. "I thought about whether I should come at all. What's so special about a party like this, probably just boring speeches." Nods of agreement, a few embarrassed faces. But the company has invited you, you're going to dress up, there's bound to be a present. After all, you've been with the company for ten years or even longer. It is one of the biggest - perhaps even the biggest - anniversary celebrations of all time, even in the history of the Ruhr region. This is also due to the fact that the up-and-coming call center operator has never honored its long-serving employees before. More than 210 of the approximately 2,200 employees from the five locations come together. And then suddenly there he is, the boss, up on the podium. Dr. Matthias Eickhoff! Welcomes, laughs, is happy. He really means it with his words of thanks and appreciation, you can feel it. He speaks of respect, of reliability, of appreciation, of team spirit. And of the responsibility that everyone shares and of where the journey should take us: "3,000 employees, we are already planning that, is a figure with which we want to position ourselves for the future in a highly competitive market." That really gets under your skin, everyone is moved and lets themselves be carried away. Then come the awards for those who have been with us for 15, 16 or even 19 years. Everyone is extremely proud. Each individual is celebrated by everyone. How nice to be part of it. "And when you consider," says Eickhoff, "that almost one in ten of us has been working here for so long, it shows that we have something special to offer." Let's hear it! A little later, everyone receives their certificate and a generous gift. Most of them stay longer than expected. There is a lot of talking, memories come flooding back, old stories. "Do you remember back then...! Man, that was a long time ago." People stand together, are happy, laugh. And people get to know each other, including colleagues from other locations. Children? Family? And in the middle of it all, Dr. Matthias Eickhoff chats with many of them. And promises: "From now on, we will honor our jubilarians at least once a year." Laughter! It's really relaxed here, what a nice celebration. How good it is to have come!